While looking at various maps used to present historical data, I found an article that used ones of these maps in a wonderfully visual way. The topic of the article and map is the loss of Native American lands over time. The article can be found here: http://www.slate.com/blogs/the_vault/2014/06/17/interactive_map_loss_of_indian_land.html.
It references a map created by Claudio Saunt, a historian at the University of Georgia. The map can be found here: http://usg.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=eb6ca76e008543a89349ff2517db47e6.
The map uses the ArcGIS mapping tool. From the examples on the University of Georgia website, the ArcGIS mapping tool seems like it has been very well designed for displaying historic data.
My final project is coming along nicely, and I hope to have all of the text and pages completed by tomorrow (Sunday, July 7th).
As a side note, this week I read an article about a new app that is relevant to this course: https://newsmaven.io/indiancountrytoday/news/indigenous-dc-there-s-an-app-for-that-BJ9S8QV6EUKdp0PKYXjSLg/. The app is called "Guide to Indigenous DC" and it is available for free for iPhones. The Android version is in development. The app allows users to take guided or virtual tours of DC with information about Native American historical events and perspectives. I look forward to downloading and using the app the next time I go into DC to explore.
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